Gathering in Glasgow on Conflict and Faith

  04 Mar 2019

Place for Hope and Partners invite you to a Gathering in Glasgow on Conflict and Faith

Download the flyer to share with your networks!

The Glasgow Royal Concert Hall and Adelaide Place Baptist Church, Glasgow
Thursday 31st October, 10:00 – Saturday 2nd November, 12:30, 2019
(registration available from 09:00 on Thursday)

The Aviemore Conference in 2009 drew together over 200 participants on the theme ‘Christianity, Conflict and the Soul of the Nation.’ In 2013 the Coventry ‘Faith in Conflict’ conference brought a similar number together. Practitioners, church leaders and members engaged at both events to explore responses to conflict from a faith perspective. You are invited to gather with us in Glasgow to continue and deepen this exploration. 

The aim of the Gathering is

  • to respond to the hunger for reconciliation and peace in our churches and communities
  • to develop and sustain the art of conflict transformation, reconciliation and peace building
  • to nurture the network of skilled practitioners that supports this work
  • to strengthen the unique contribution churches and faith communities make to the work of conflict transformation
  • to discover peace-making skills you never knew you had

The Gathering is intended for …

All interested in the art of faith-based conflict transformation including local church members, church leaders, practitioners in faith-based mediation.

Expert input/skills training offered by:
Place for Hope, St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation, The Blackley Centre for Reconciliation, St. Michael’s House, Bridge Builders Ministries, The Corrymeela Community, The Rose Castle Foundation, The Archbishop of Canterbury’s Reconciliation Ministry, Centre for Good Relations, Scottish Mediation and others.

Keynote input confirmed from 

David Brubaker, Associate Professor of Organizational Studies at the Centre for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University.
Sarah Hills, Vicar of Holy Island, Honorary Canon for Reconciliation at Inverness Cathedral, and Canon Emeritus of Coventry Cathedral.
Brendan McAllister, Corrymeela Member, Senior Mediation Advisor with the UN and a Senior Associate of ‘mediatEUr.’
Place for Hope/Ruth Harvey, a leading Mediation and Conflict Transformation provider amongst church communities in Scotland and beyond.

Costs will be kept to a minimum, 
and will include various accommodation and 
low-income options. More details and bookings will be available in early April 2019.

This event is eligible for Study Leave funding for ministers in the Church of Scotland.

Confirmed Keynote input:

David R. Brubaker is Director of the MBA and OLS Programs and Associate Professor of Organizational Studies at the Centre for Justice and Peacebuilding, Eastern Mennonite University, Harrisonburg, Virginia. David is a Mennonite, and an experienced mediator and conflict transformation practitioner. Having led at the Place for Hope inaugural Aviemore Conference in 2009, we are delighted that David will be joining us in Glasgow, and continues as a Patron of Place for Hope.

Place for Hope with Ruth Harvey: Place for Hope was founded in 2009 in response to a need amongst church leaders in Scotland for help and support in times of change, crisis and transition. A mediation service was launched after the Aviemore Conference. Initially under the auspices of the Church of Scotland, Place for Hope is now an independent charity with a team of 35 trained, ‘Scottish Mediation’ accredited volunteer mediators. We offer mediation in situations of conflict, training, coaching and facilitated conversations. Ruth has extensive experience since 1990 in leading faith-based spiritual formation training across Europe and in the UK, and has been an accredited Mediator and Facilitator with Place for Hope since 2012. She has been the Director of the charity since 2016. Ruth lives in the NW of England, commutes almost daily to Scotland, and is both an active Quaker and Minister in the Church of Scotland. 

Revd Canon Dr Sarah Hills:  Sarah was brought up in South Africa and moved to Northern Ireland. She studied medicine in Sheffield and worked as a Psychiatrist, until ordination as a priest in 2007. She has recently moved from the position as Canon for Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral to be Vicar of Holy Island. She completed her PhD in the theology of reconciliation at Durham University in 2014. She is Visiting Fellow at St John’s College, Durham, and Visiting Practice Fellow at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University. She is Honorary Canon for Reconciliation at Inverness Cathedral, and Canon Emeritus of Coventry Cathedral. Sarah is married to Richard, a GP, and they have two sons and a Labrador.


Brendan McAllister has been involved in peace activism in Northern Ireland over the past 45 years. Originally a probation officer, he led Mediation Northern Ireland for 16 years and served as a Neighbourhood Renewal Advisor in North West England.      In 2008 he was appointed as a Commissioner for Victims and Survivors of the Northern Ireland conflict. He has worked in the international peace mediation field since 2012. He is now a Senior Mediation Advisor with the UN Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and a Senior Associate of the Brussels-based ‘mediatEUr’ which provides mediation support to the EU. Brendan is a member of the Corrymeela Community. 

The values of Place for Hope will be reflected in the Gathering in Glasgow:

Courageous and compassionate
 Being bold and working with loving kindness. 

Challenging and trusting 
Unafraid to go to the difficult, uncomfortable places – going there with care, humanity and empathy. 

Inspirational and effective
 Fostering prophetic and creative voices alongside workable approaches. 

Integrity and fairness 
Honouring our differences and diversity and enabling respectful processes.

Integrity and fairness
Honouring our differences and diversity and enabling respectful processes.

The Gathering in Glasgow is a partnership between

Place for Hope
Rose Castle Foundation
Centre for Good Relations
Archbishop of Canterbury's Reconciliation Ministry
Scottish Mediation 
St Ethelburgha's 
The Corrymeela Community
St Michael's House
Bridge Builders
The Blackley Centre
Presbytery of Glasgow


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