Our Practitioners

Our Practitioners are trained and supervised to accompany you through difficult conversations and to deliver training. We want every place of worship to be a place for hope.

Practitioner team members are available to:

  • help groups and individuals at times of change or crisis
  • accompany sensitive or difficult group conversations
  • provide individual coaching advice and support
  • host and enable community dialogues on faith issues
  • deliver training so that more people are able to understand and navigate conflict and difference.

Our unique approach

The Practitioner team is a multi-denominational group who volunteer their time and expertise to provide mediation, training, facilitation and coaching to groups and individuals. Practitioners work in groups of two or more to draw on each other’s experience and wisdom and offer peer support as they host conversations. They are particularly adept at helping large, multi-party groups to navigate change and host difficult conversations. Place for Hope provide ongoing training, coaching and supervision to the Practitioner team to ensure they are appropriately supported and that the work is delivered to a professional standard.

Training and Accreditation

Practitioners complete a selection process then training programme taught by Place for Hope and accredited through Scottish Mediation. This is a mutual discernment process. Once commissioned Practitioners are then mentored by experienced Practitioners. All Practitioners attend regular Continuing Professional Development and receive regular Supervision.

Who is part of the Practitioner team?

Some of our Practitioners and Staff at an event in November 2019

Our Practitioners live throughout Scotland and the north of England. We are comprised of volunteers who feel a calling to the ministry of reconciliation. Drawn from diverse backgrounds, each team member has a personal faith and is dedicated to the art of ‘navigating conflict and hosting group dialogues’. All Practitioners sign the Place for Hope mutual agreement. The team includes:

  • faith leaders, ministers and clergy
  • individuals who work in faith-based organisations
  • people familiar with churches and faith groups.

We deeply value and affirm the great skill and time commitment our Practitioners offer to make the work of Place for Hope possible.

Accredited Practitioners

Abdul Rahim
Adam Scott
Alan Forsythe
Alistair Macfarlane
Allan Ramsay
Andrew Gardner
Belinda Stanley
Brec Seaton
Cameron Butland
Cathy Bird
Charity Madenyika
Chris Schoeck
Daniel Mwailu
Daniel Yovan
David Hardman
David Jebb
David McColl
Debbie Harkness
Eleanor McMahon 
Ellen Griffiths
Fiona Bennett
Fiona McLeod
Frances Ruthven
Gayle Taylor
Gill Thomas
Graham Jones
Iain Johnston
Iain McLarty
Jennie Chinembiri
Joan Ryan
John Collard
Keith Sandow
Leon Dundas
Lynn Brady
Magdalen Lambkin
Mari Rennie
Nancy Ndoho
Nigel Watson
Patricia Mukorombindo
Patrick Evans
Paul Cathcart
Penelope Smirthwaite
Rebecca Gilbert
Roderick Grahame
Roy Henderson
Russell McLarty
Ruth Forsythe
Ruth Harvey
Sally McElroy
Sandra Black
Sarah Moore
Siggy Paratt-Halbert
Stewart McPherson
Suva Catford

How does our Practitioner team work?

Place for Hope staff coordinate requests for support and training. Practitioners are then allocated, in pairs, to a piece of work depending on availability, location and particular interest or expertise. After an initial briefing from staff, Practitioners oversee and deliver the work allocated to them. Place for Hope ensure Practitioners receive support and professional supervision throughout each piece of work. The team meet together at least twice each year for support and ongoing training. We see ourselves as a community of friends and colleagues on the journey towards reconciliation.

Contacting the Practitioners

If you would appreciate support for a conversation or training, please get in touch. One of our staff with contact you as soon as possible to discuss what you need.

  • For help with a conversation or crisis, see our contact page for details – you can complete the online form, email or phone us.
  • If you would like training or support, please complete the form on our training and events page or contact us for more information.

Joining our Practitioner team

Our Practitioner team is made up of volunteers. We augment the team from time-to-time to maintain a balance of gender, location, age and faith belonging and are always interested in hearing from people who might be interested in joining our Practitioner team. Anyone who feels a sense of vocation or calling to the ministry of reconciliation, who has a sympathy with the Christian tradition, and is willing to work to our mutual agreement may apply to join the team. New members are identified through a selection and interview process and then receive training and on-going support. Please contact us for more information.


“If you want peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies.” — Desmond Tutu

Related Articles

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To Repair with God

An article by Nancy Adams, featured in ‘Inspires’ exploring the art of reconciliation and the dynamic of conflict.

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Place for Hope: The Need for Reconcilers

An article by Hugh Donald, featured in ‘The Edge’, discussing the call to reconciliation and the journey of Place for Hope

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