Primary funders

We are very grateful for substantial contributions from the following organisations to deliver Place for Hope training and support.

Church of Scotland The Church of Scotland (Ministries Council) funding is helping us deliver training and facilitate conversations within Church of Scotland congregations and Presbyteries.

ACTS (Action of Churches Together in Scotland) An ACTS grant is helping us train and equip our new ecumenical Team members.

Scottish Government In partnership with Faith in Community Scotland and the Conforti Institute, Scottish Government funding is helping us deliver a series of community dialogues across Scotland and to equip facilitators within the community.

The Methodist Church Funding to enable collaborative working with the Methodist Connexion to support the development of their Positive Working Together programme through the delivery of workshops in the UK.

Read more about funding and donations here.


“Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.” — Maya Angelou

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Place for Hope: The Need for Reconcilers

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